Frens i am trying to create a subreddit for the website im building to quit the neet life and it says that i dont have enough karma. :(

5511  2019-04-23 by nullFUD


Time to fish, fren

I dont know how to, fren

I gave you some updoots fren it's not much but I hope it helps good luck with becoming a not neet fren if you need to talk or anything lemmie know :) big hugs

Thank you so much fren :) Same to you and any fren reading this :) hugs

Thank you fren :)

How much karma is needed to create a subreddit?

Only the Reddit admins know for sure.

Does anyone know if it’s post karma or comment karma or maybe both?

Woo! Good job, fren. I'm excited!

Yay! Congrats fren!

I'll go check out your website, fren.

Here’s your upvote fren!

thank you so much, fren

I'll updoot fren

thank you fren honk-honk

You accidentally sounded like a clown then fren. Silly mistake I’m sure 🤡

i honked in a happy fren way not in an evil clown way, my bad fren

It’s okay fren. Honk honk ;)



One gets bopped but two appear in it's place.

Honk honk

Fren always help other frens, here’s your upvote fren

thank you fren, if you need help message me i want to help you too

I'll give you some upvotes, fren. I like web design, too. What is the website going to be about? I'm excited for you, fren.

i am going to make a crypto news website without the fud (fud means fear, uncertainty and doubt)

so basically nonfrens cant spread fake news to scare the frens to lose their money

I've given you upvotes fren, what's the name of the subreddit fren?

i need updoots on this account to be able to create it but thank u fren

when yo create it lemme know fren, good luck

thank you

Let me know too fren

Let me know when you make it plz fren


remind me 7 days!

That sounds nice. I wish you the best of luck, fren.

thank you so much fren

Sounds like an interesting idea, i hope it works out for you frien.

thank you fren

Uphonking for positivity

An upvote a day keeps the clowns away. Here you go fren

Fish for karma by looking up "cute dog gifs" online and posting them to every cute animal subreddit until you get a hit.

Good luck, fren, your news site sounds great.

thank you fren means a lot, i feel like i have a chance to make frens life better by providing potential value for them

You're welcome fren. I feel like there's a lot of news sites that focus mainly on scaring the reader rather than informing them, so thank you for making one that doesn't.

Please link me to your site when you make it, I want to subscribe to it or whatever fren

Make sure to include a comment sections. News sites remove them so people can’t call out fake news, very nonfrenly

I wanted to not include one, and say that you can comment on this post under Twitter (that would help me grow on social media which is the most important step to growing)

What do you think about that fren?

If its a bad idea and lots of people will say it I might include comments

I feel the problem with that is twitter is less accessible, but if you have a link to the tweet and say something like “Comment Here!” yeah it’s definitely a good idea and would save you server space/time.

Have an upvote from me fren.

thank you fren

How many updoots do you need?

I've tried googling but they dont specify a number

Well whatever is we will get you there fren :)

A gave you some updoots, hope it helps a fren in need

i give you karma energy fren!

Fren :)

If you want I can make the subreddit then hand all over the permissions to you fren :)

Oh fren... You didn't even need to ask fren, here, take some of mine.

Frens, also updoot Karma-in-need fren's comments to give him more :)

i updooted every comment here :)

All the more reason to give you updoots! You're a good fren :)

upvote from me fren

I ❤️ frens!

Hi frien, I'm doing basic Web design in school and if you need help I am happy to help any way I can!

Just post some non-frenly stuff on a non-frenly sub and farm the karma!

What's the website's name? I would like to visit it

I don't want to use frens to viral market to anyone, and the website is ready but the articles are missing anyways, ill pm it to you once it's ready (less than a month)

Can I get a link too when it's ready?

yeah ill link it, thank you for being interested it means a lot that something that I do makes people interested, you guys are my best frens

me too frem me too!!!

more info will be at r/nullfud

thank you so much frens

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frens its going to be at r/nullfud but its not ready yet

Me too please

Me too please fren

What does "quit the neet life" mean?

start working on myself

Curious about your website. Is it public yet?

it is public and the design structure etc is ready, but the articles are not written yet, but I don't want to turn this post into a marketing thing because that's not what frens are for

pmed it to you privately

Send me too, fren!

Don't worry I'll help you fren

:( fren

Fren I would be willing to make it for you and transfer ownership to you and remove myself fren

Don’t worry bro I’ll shoot some karma at your posts

Fren I can make it for you if you want, you will be moderator fren and I’ll try to give it to you

hey i have figured it out, i wrote a long post here to update thanks for the help i dont need more updoots

I will always updoot you fren

Here’s karma fren

Upvote, fren

Here’s an upvote fren. Hope it works out for you.

Here you go fren, have an updoot!

I'll give you an updoot fren. Can you see my comment by the way?

yes i can fren

Nice fren

yes fren can i see ur weebsite

hey fren

its going to be live at r/nullfud but its not ready yet

thank you fren

Updooted fren

Give us your subreddit link when you’re done so we can subdoot

Here’s and updoot fren 😊

Have a couple of upvotes from me, fren!

Have some karma fren

You should have a enough now fren

yes thank you so much fren

That’s wonderful fren! What’s the website about?

its going to be a crypto news website, i have created the subreddit its r/nullfud but its not ready yet fren i still need articles

Take my upvote fren. You deserve it!

Fren I just upvoted all your posts and comments

You people are fucking pathetic

So are you non fren!




My fren just wants to make a frenly subreddit. Please be supportive of him

You're now my most upvoted fren, fren.

Take my karma fren

Here's an upvote, good luck fren!

Gib he karma! >:(

Fren, I will updoot every single comment/post you made. Good luck fren

I woold help u fren, but this is technically Karmawhoring with extra steps. ._. sorry fren

Ah ok

Best wishes fren

Chase your dreams fren!

Do u have enough now, fren?

Here ya go fren

Take my orange arrow, fren

Frens support frens

I can create it and transfer ownership to you. Let me know if you'd like me to!

good luck with your crypto scam fren

my goal is to call out the scams and only write positively about things that i would buy myself and has a logic behind it, trying to make a better future fren no scams here

What website?

I got you fren

Okay frens here comes the update, the subreddit I have created is r/nullfud, I made it with my personal account 3 months ago to reserve the name nullfud for my website, but it says created by deethzplays (personal account).

Today as I have realised that I must have enough karma now, I have tried deleting the subreddit to register it under this account, so it says created by nullfud and doesnt show my irl account there (trying to keep things professional frens).

However I just realised that you can not delete subreddits, so I went to reddit help, and explained the same thing to the reddit admins, told them that I have enough karma and account age, so please transfer it to this account, I am waiting for their reply now.

I have way more karma than i ever dreamed of frens, please updoot others instead of me now, I dont want to be a karma whore, you frens are the most wholesome community on the entire internet.

Thanks you frens, I'll try to make everyone proud by not accepting bribes and only posting things that I think is right on the website, you guys are the frens I wish I had IRL

❤️ everyone, lets finish the website in the next weeks and make frens proud, we are all going to make it.

So happy that frens came together to help other fren :)

i feel very happy fren

I have subscribed fren

thank you so much fren i hope you will be happy with the future content

I don't even use crypto and I have subscribed fren

Goodluck, I'm glad you're being the change you want to see.

Is the sub supposed to be up? I can't access it for some reason :c

its up and you can subscribe but you cant post


what do you see when you click on it?

Nvm, I just got in now. Thanks! ^^

How much karma u need, fren? I have 1000 & can help.

i have enough fren thank you so much

Watch out for nonfrens, fren. Some nonfrens may find out your subreddit made by a fren, and they hate frens. Because they are nonfrens

i will, thank you fren

How much do u need fren

i have enough now fren, but thank you so much

There ya go

Henlo fren, what is the website about?

Good luck fren!

Hav sum car mom :)

I believe you need around 500 Karma that’s how many I had when I created a subreddit

You go fren!

Yeah fren being a neet doesn't seem much fun at all. Rise up fren! You can do it <3

If you don't mind me asking, what is the subreddit about, fren?

about a cryptocurrency news website that i am building

I'll give you mine, also can I be an admin?


Take my upfrens


What is wrong with all of u

News frens (there is a country on the internets called frenland and you frens controls and own frenland. :)