The sun is rising frens and I haven’t slept yet. I have too many assignments to do for professors I suspect to be clowns *honk honk*

33  2019-04-23 by guINNES-fren


Let me tell you about this product called fuggit. At a certain point, you can’t do everything, so you just have to use a little fuggit and figure it out later. It’s free and we have it in infinite quantities. Just don’t use it too much, once in a while is ok though.

People are forgiving in person, so get yourself some sleep, you’ll get extra time later fren.

Remember fren, for better or for worse. Soon thise assignments will be a problem in the past and you won't have to let them trouble you any longer.

You might be able to get some postpone, you just have to send the professors a message and they should understand.
