Hey frens me homeland has been lost, can I come here?

0  2019-04-23 by Fatetheverycooldude


There’s enough space for you and all your frens. What happened to your home fren?

1 it might get banned, or 2 it will become a tranny hotline because of the damn mods they hiring

It’s okay fren. I like your uniform fren. Hugs.

Thanks fren god bless you

Seig hail mein frën

20th century's most effective figuting force fren,you should be proud fren


You know you can edit your posts right fren?

I forgot fren :/

It's OK, fren

Nazi not fren

As long as your frenly, you are welcome here fren

Honk Honkler



If you are frenly, then you are welcome in frenworld.




Oh phew, I thought it maybe stood for something awful like “Heil Hitler” 😅

Lol no fren. That would be silly

Why do you think people make that mistake? Maybe frenworld should do something to prove the nonfrens wrong.

You can't fix stupid, fren. Not our fault if some people are such fragile, sheltered pathetic losers so terrified of their own shadows that they see ebil notzees everywhere.

Not the job of frenworld to fix other people's delusional psychosis. We just wanna be frens, fren! :o)

Right, I get that there are a lot of really left wing people who will throw accusations around perhaps a little more leniently than they should, I get that - totally get that. However, if a fren is posting y’know themselves in an SS uniform and people are totally happy with it. Don’t you think that’s a little telling? Maybe if you told frens dressed as Nazis to shove off r/topminds would stop calling you Nazis!

You understand that this is an unironic white-supremacy circle-jerk sub-reddit right?

Of course, but I’m just trying to understand why they think their cryptofacism isn’t obvious.

white-supremacists are retarded, it's a pre-req


This little number? It's Hugo Boss.

This is what the sub’s about


Shut up with your gay neo nazi “fren” subreddit
