People just boped my second favourite subreddit

178  2019-04-23 by SpookySpiderBB


I’m sorry fren

Some nonfrens do nonfrenly things sometimes


C r | n g e a n a r ¢ h y

(Comments getting autoremoved for mentioning)



Which one

r/cringeanarchy is about to get boped :(

which 1 fren?

r/cringeanarchy :(

many subs have been boped recently free it makes me sad

Hugs for you fren, this is the only sub you need

I assume they mean /r/CringeAnarchy.

Was it water n words fren?

Water nonfrens

Water is my fren


OP left a comment but it got auto-removed. It's CrngeAnrchy (seems to be filtered), which actually isn't banned yet but seems that it will be very soon (they got a final warning from admins with 24hrs to fix the apparent problems).

Apparently the problem was them existing

OP's comment got auto-bopped (as all mentions of it seem to) - it's yhcranAegnirC which hasn't quite been bopped but will be soon.

So kany bopings these days, frens here one day are gone the next

don't let it get to you fren

r/cringeanarchy :(