hello frens, this past week has been rly hard for me,, ive never been this nervous in my life :( any tips for managing the big sad and nervous?

43  2019-04-23 by tego_myeggo


stay strong fren, watch some dbz

thnx u fren :')

the big sad and the big nervous are hard to deal with, fren. remember your feelings are like waves on an ocean. they will come and go.

take a look at this list of cognitive distortions and see if any of them apply to your anxiety: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/0a/31/420a31c1b19fa7405aa644ffeb5cd51c.png It is likely you are catastrophizing and minimizing that you could cope with any bad situations.

thank u fren :')

What do I do if almost all of these apply to me and therapy is not an option? 🤔

Get a book on "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" and work through it. One popular one is "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David Burns (dumb name but I used it myself along with a professional therapist back when I had a phobia). You can find pdfs of it online, such as here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/294391446/Feeling-good-the-new-mood-therapy-David-D-Burns-pdf There are CBT workbooks as well. I'm sure you can find free PDFs of them online if you look!

Oof, I fit all but two of those, fren



i will give it try, thank u fren

make some time and go out run, workout. sleep well and then get back to it fren. its okay to take some breaks.

thank u fren

Big sad and nervous make it seem like doing things is impossible, and it might be really really hard to even be able to see past the things you have to do. But I have learned that there is ALWAYS a time after where you will look back and think, "Huh, I guess I could do it after all". Do smol things that keep you going, and you'll be able to do anything, Fren.

thank u for the good advice fren <3

Find a tv show or a game. One that is kind of long and will get you invested and take your mind off things. I am playing through Mass Effect again.

thank u fren :')

Play something on your computer. Some videogame communities are super nice

thank u fren :')