Do I look pretty today, frens?

522  2019-04-23 by CapitalGigi


Will you be my girlfren?

Did you just assume frender, fren?

😮 you’re beautiful. Love the lipstick fren

Ur cute fren. Be gf pls


Very pretty and feminine fren!



aw shucks, fren!! blushes

Here fren (Hugs in spanish)

U look pretty everyday fren

I luv the bow fren!

Very, fren

Very pretty fren

You look great fren!

You better not be some kind of clown ok fren?



You are always pretty my fren

begone thot!

you look like a fucking faggit, fren! Take off that make-up and straighten the fuck up goddammit. Stop drinking that water that makes the frogs go gay.

I’m a grill


What a cute fren you are. I bet your a nice frenly fren to.