I can't take it anymore, frens. I can't help who I am on the inside. I think I'm gonna do it this time

180  2019-04-23 by S0NNENRADICAL


It's ok to honk a little and laugh at clown world fren. Just dont laugh yourself to def.

i used to think life was a tragedy but then i honked and it became a comedy

Why do you need to change who you are on the inside, fren?

A few honks is okay




Is that a catapult? r/trebuchetmemes wouldn't be pleased

Is that your feces on the wall fren?

N-no......not mine

Stop fren. We need you for the fight against honks. The day will come.


You are not relieved of duty. You have an enormous purpose, you were born with it by virtue of living in the west, and you have to be here to defend it, and live it out to defend innocent frens from those who would honk them.


So you do not have the freedom to honk yourself, you have a responsibility to other frens, fren.

No bopping self fren! We want you here!

Don't be escared of the wig, fren. Clowns don't belong here, but clown madness is strong in clown world. When you want to scream and bop, you can blink your eyes and find a million laughs in every corner.


This is the type of content this sub was made for. Along with all of the niceposting im glad there are still some of the truly funny posts like this one

/rj remember pie yourself directlt on axis fren dont want any mistakes happening

please fren, do not bop yourself you are loved
