Are some frens actually nazis?

13  2019-04-22 by Epichawks

I've been on this sub for a while now frens, but I'm starting to doubt some here. All this talk of the sub being neonazi has taken my head for a spin. To me this just seems wholesome, but people talking about everything being codes and stuff makes me doubt it

Are you frens really here just to make frens or is some bad? Is part code or is it just people needing support? Please answer me frens, i have become too doubtfull.


Believe in your frens.

I will now fren.

We're frens. Not nazis. The actual nazis were horrible. Yes, there are some remnant wannabes out there today, and you could call those people nazis, but 90% of the time when someone on the internet gets called a "nazi" or a "fascist", it's a meaningless buzzword. People call others nazis for preaching for freedom of speech these days. Plus, 4chan, one of the biggest sources of memes (and pepes) strikes outsiders as a forum where many people with nazi sympathies gather, which, if you have visited /pol/, isn't even that weird of a claim. Our terminology, such as nonfrens, bop and keep frenworld frenly, is also immediately exaggerated to be code language for the creation of an ethnostate, a nazi ideology. It really isn't, we're just trying to keep trolls and mean people out, but as soon as a stupid idea gets echoed a lot, some start to perceive it as truth.

But rest assured, as far as this fren is concerned, we're just a bunch of wholesome people on reddit. Fuck what nonfrens say, we're just frens!

Thank you for answering fren. I see what you mean.

NP fren. That's what frens are for!

I just love my frens and I also want frenworld to remain frenly.

yup, it's all about the world peace

We're just gonna HUG em

We just hate clowns.

Most of us are purely frenly.

Bop the non frens, clown war now!


Look around you. What do you see? Do you see Nazis or do you see Frens?

Believe what your eyes tell you. Don't let NonFren propaganda ruin this glorious place for you.

All we ask is that people are Frenly. If not, they get bopped.

It's very simple.

I just love everyone and wanna give frens frenly support and encourage their happiness and that everyone has a life full of love no matter their skin colour gender or religion just want everyone to be frenly frens being frenly