Matt Bors right on the (red) nose

0  2019-04-22 by TapTheForwardAssist


Hey look an AHS faggot

Hello fren!

You enjoy cartoon?

Nah it is very pozzed and cringepilled , you should look at stonetoss comics he’s a true fren :)

r/antifastonetoss more better fren!

Here's a sneak peek of /r/antifastonetoss using the top posts of all time!

#1: Muh red-pill | 37 comments
#2: Her name was Heather Heyer. | 93 comments
#3: Genetic realism | 76 comments

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Anitifa is very unfrenly but I like how they spread his artwork. All publicity is good publicity

Meh, Red Panels was funnier, but then he got fired for drawing it and had to make a new persona so he wouldn't get fired from his next job.

If there's one thing I'll give /r/antifastonetoss it's that they have an unmatched ability to turn 3 or 4 panels into a boring, unfunny novel.


Rediculous fren!


Cringe and bluepilled

Meh, it's keeping smarter folks updated on your most recent mischief.

And you know deep down it's all true.

I laughed when Heavy Heather Heyer went flying over a Mustang

We all gotta find our bliss.

Figure you're on the winning side of history what with your Confederate buddies? More and more statues coming down every year, steadily erasing your heritage until you're just villains in the back corner or a museum.

It’s a shitty webcomic is my complaint.

What's shitty about it, fren?

I think Bors is pretty incisive, and plenty of folks upvoting.

We all gotta find our bliss.

Figure you're on the winning side of history what with your Confederate buddies? More and more statues coming down every year, steadily erasing your heritage until you're just villains in the back corner or a museum.