I spilt something again today, family yelled at me. Why am I so clumsy friends?

321  2019-04-22 by yeywee


It’s ok fren, I’m clumsy too.

I fuck everything up fren :(

No, fren. Everyone makes mistakes and I like you just as you are.

We all fuck up every once in a while fren, just know that you’re very important to this world. Keep your head up, we’re all rooting for you.

Maybe you’re nervous around your family fren because they keep yelling at you. If they’re always yelling at you it might make you nervous and more prone to mistakes fren.

What should I do fren?

Be careful

Here’s what I did. I stopped letting other people’s mood determine my own, who gives a fuck if you spilt something? Is your family whining about it? Good, fuck them. If they don’t like it, then they can clean it up.

I don't think this attitude works very well in real life. Definitely depends on your age and living situation, but this would just kind of escalate hostilities, I think. Even family frens are real frens

That’s not being a good fren, he should get a Nalgene bottle or another form of bottle that screws shut so it never spills

Just don't be nervous fren :) That's my advice

I don’t know fren. I’d pay attention. If they do yell at you a lot that’s probably the reason. Take solace that you’re not fundamentally broken. And either stand up for yourself (and risk escalating the situation, I don’t recommend this) or consider moving out.

Or just be more careful. I don’t know your life enough to offer any real advice. Just be aware that maybe your family isn’t top tier.

Oh no!! That’s okay fren, accidents happen. Let me help you clean it up fren.

You are a true fren.

Thank you fren

Sometimes shit happens, but you can clean it up and it’ll be better, ok fren?

Don't cry over spilled milk, fren. Everybody is clumsy sometimes.

It's okay fren my parents don't like me either cause I'm a horrible person

Many people clumsy fren

It’s otay fren. I’m clumsy too just practice and you’ll get better I promise.

Just Reeeee at them

I did it as well fren, 2 days ago.. Cant escape clumsyness

You're still growing into your body fren. Also being nervous and self conscious can make you clumsy.

C'est la vie mon fren

Don’t feel bad fren. Last nite I dumped a ton of ice water on my while trying to drink and got super wet and I had to sleep on the couch.

We’re all clumsy fren!! It’s ok!