I'm not liking this clown world very much frens, don't want to stay much longer. Help? Wat do?

101  2019-04-22 by VileContrarian


Honk honk

You mean r/frenworld or just life in general?

Life in general. Guess I didn't make that too clear

Try PEA supplements. They stop suicidal thoughts and depression really quickly

These things pass, fren, even if it doesn’t feel like it now. Stick with it -even if it’s just so that you can tell me that I’m wrong

Don’t do it fren! Focus on the things you enjoy, lift heavy and stay healthy. Find a qt3.14 girlfren. Things will get better fren :)

Girlfriens are hard to come by. Pets make great best frens

I have seen a girl but i don't know how to talk to her. And if it doesn't work out how will i talk to other girls?

You just do fren, find out what they like.

I think a lot of people here are in a similar situation. We've kind of been brainwashed to be depressed. I've had depression for about 10 years and you really just have to keep forcing yourself through horrendous situations. You have to turn that hopelessness and rage into quiet determination. Stop caring what other people think, life is a lot better if you can eliminate that anxiety. Maybe you have girl troubles or something, not confident about yourself? Stop caring for a while, not in a bad way. Just work on yourself, don't work to try to impress someone else or try to be someone you aren't. Also depression/anxiety meds are the worst drugs I've ever taken, would suggest steering away from those.

The world is lame af now. Personally I just want a small basic piece of property away from other people and some crappy car I guess, and that's pretty much it. The materialistic world is crap, it's so bad you have to laugh at it and now I just want to get out and away from it all. Even if it takes me 10 more years to get some tiny place to myself I'll be happy.

Idk what your life is like, maybe rethink about what you really want out of life or a way out of your current situation that is a bit brighter. If it makes you feel any better I'm facing a completely futile situation in my own life right now, going to have to move forward somehow.

I lost a lot of friends IRL last night.

For saying Islam was not a religion of peace... as the kill count from Sri Lanka was still pouring in.

They called me a racist bigot (racist... against a religion?) and I just couldn't take it anymore. They treated me like subhuman, so I left.

One of them even treated it like a joke. Hundreds dead and he was acting like a disrespectful child.

I still have a few friends left, but including my wife I can count them on one hand. Quality over quantity I suppose, but as the years go on I lose more friends to liberalism, no matter how strong the redpills.

Mainstream media and the modern internet has made brainwashing very effective and permanent. Islam is killing thousands per year, but I'm just a racist, bigoted Christian?

I slipped into depression years ago when I went through unemployment and thought I was finally out, but I feel myself sliding back down deeper than before.

We're just finding out who people really are. People really only want self satisfaction from life, and that can work both ways.

A materialist or atheist wants material self satisfaction out of their life here on Earth, their desire is to continue living to simply enjoy life. Even if they hate their life they still just want to gain self satisfaction from it. Subconsciously they are fully aware that Islam is dangerous, but they're scared of losing the easy life they currently have so they don't want to do anything unless they're personally affected. They defend Islam and vilify Christians who speak out against it so they can continue to enjoy life in predominantly Christian nations.

A Christian will ultimately want the self satisfaction of eternal life, so their main interest doesn't lie in the material world. Christians don't solely want to defend their material possessions or perceived cultural or status in society. They want to defend their family and have their own land to live on in peace while they're here. We also don't want to see people being murdered by a senseless religion based on violence and intimidation. Christians want to see everyone else become Christians because we really do believe in our religion as much as some nutjob that's willing to blow themselves up. The only difference is I have to let others kill me for what I believe in or watch other members of my faith get killed enough times until selfish people decide this may also threaten their materialistic lives. Then maybe they'll change their minds.

As soon as someone's life is affected by Islam or some part of the Clown world we live in they become redpilled very fast, or they manage to double down and continue to live on in ignorance. It's really sad that even people who I thought were "smart" and should know what the media is doing are still completely taken in by it. They can learn everything about the subject of "propaganda", but they can't seem to realize when it's being used on them. The comprehension just isn't there somehow.

Thank you for that fren, I know That was directed towards the op but that helped me a lot. Lots of you frens make life seem more simple and wholesome. I happy I found this place. I hope you find peace op, I love you frens

Glad to hear it helped.

hey fren what kinda bad affects did the meds have,family wants me on them

Most mainstream depressions meds will give you similar symptoms, the withdrawal is the worst part. I was on Welbutrin and a few other similar types. If you don't take them for 1-2 days you get an electric shock feeling through your nervous system, the longer you take them the worse it is getting off them. Can give you sexual problems, makes everything feel kinda stale down there, takes a while to recover like the shocks. They can make you feel sick sometimes, hard to drink any alcohol with these kinds of meds, insomnia, dry mouth. It may work for a while but the side effects are just a huge pain in the ass.

The best way out of depression is exercise, get outside/gym, push yourself to exhaustion by doing something and get chemicals moving naturally. You also need an active hobby or interest other than being on the internet or playing video games. Find anything you doing and start doing it, it's better than spending money of pharmaceutical drugs. We're all depressed because we used to be outside all the time and not give a damn about money, we just need to go back to being like that.


Embrace clown world fren

Oh no fren. I think this is one of those non frens

Just try to hold on to the small things you like. You don't always have to swim trough life, sometimes not drowning is enough.

It's always darkest before the storm.

Also, believe in Jesus Christ. He will get you through the worst.

It may seem like it will be like this forever fren, but that is a lie the depression is telling you. Things CAN change. I would suggest looking into CBT or DBT (therapy). It gives you the tools to mentally cope with distressing thoughts so that you can de with the hard times and then eventually have better times. If you are truly in crisis, text 741-741.

I want you to go and listen to the song: Beautiful by Eminem. Cuz you are beautiful and you know it. Never let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful fren!

An hero

Please don’t do it fren, you can help change it if you really tried

Take the honk pill

Everything here has really helped. Thanks for being such good frens, I'm glad I posted here

my stupid advice to everyone else that needs a lift of spirit and release of tension and worldly worries is to get a motorcycle. There is no catharsis like it. You see motorcyclists wax on about semi spiritual fee fee stuff with motorcycles for a reason. It is a freedom that comes with a undeniable good feeling that you will understand once you ride one.

I have no worries with 2 wheels and an engine under me.