I lost 10 pounds frens!

989  2019-04-22 by Paulel300


Good job fren! You sound very diligent👏

Congrats, keep up the hard work!

That's great, fren!


Amazing, this is the first step to become a chad fren


also known as a Brad

You are going to be a sickfren fren congratz

Keep it up fren! Don't stop when you hit that plateau - buy a weight vest if you must

Keep it up fren! I recommend a keto diet, I lost 40

Proud of you fren.

Thanks fren!

I'm a swimmer in school, keto would make me not swim good fren :(

I’m a swimmer too fren, it actually makes me swim better. More energy fren, have to poo less fren,

Actually fren, keto isn’t as bad for aerobic as it is for anaerobic exercise. After the first week or two, your performance may actually increase.

Fren, with keto, how do you go off the diet without gaining all the weight back.

I’m paranoid lol.

I’m able to eat as much shit as I want 1/3 days. Your body gets used eating protein and healthy, then your body overreacts when it has sugar by sending alit if insulin and getting rid of everything, no fat gained. You can even do an every other day thing, it still works

Oh so you have cheat days 1/3 of the week and cycle back on to keto for 2/3 of week?

Yeah but my father says the results are the same if you cheat 2 days and keto 1 day.

Keto is really not that hard when you get into the habit lol. Glad it worked for you fren. :)

Thanks fren, u should try it

Great job fren! Keep on keepin’ on and achieve your goals!

im so proud of this pepe ill defend him to the death

Well done fren

Very nice fren!

Congrats fren!

Way to go fren, good job! You be chadfren soon!

Good job fren!

And by chance, fren, would that BVD mean Blue Victory Day?

Good job fren

looking good fren

where did you lose it fren?

Keep doing it fren, you'll feel so much better and have more energy for fren time!


Don’t worry fren we will find your lost currency soon :)

I'm so proud of you fren!

Good job fren, we believe in you!

are you now 150?

Chad fren time!

Great work! Keep going, unless you have a good weight

Woah fren, now u look less chonky


Congratz fren! can u share some tips for me please, im a chubby boi

Good job fren! I’ll race you! I have 20 more to go!

Looking slim Fren!

Keep going fren! Don't stop! Your whole life will change!