Hi frens, I was bullied when I was younger and now I have no confidence and I hate myself . Help please frens, thanks .

77  2019-04-22 by boi_2100


Itll be ok, Fren. I promise.

Thank you :)

Me too.

Hope you are a good fren

Me too fren. It’s okay they can’t hurt you now

True :)

Fren, that is so hard and I completely understand and experienced the same. Although all frens need some external validation, please remember that the most important validation comes from within. Working on your self-image is hard, fren, but v rewarding. You can always DM me.

Thank you fren , it is a good point . I will probably message you soon :)

Me too fren, but even if you were bullied, confidence is key in life, so keep your chin up no matter what and good things will follow

Good point fren , thank you :)

It'll be ok fren, talk to your frenmily and your irl frens

And my online frens :)


Get good at things. Whatever you want to be good at. Want to be good at athletics? Hit the gym today. An instrument? Start practicing now. Pick something and get good. If you work hard and get good at something you want to get good at, you’ll feel good about yourself because you achieved something.

The bad things nonfrens say about you won’t matter if you know you’re a good person and you like yourself. Create reasons to like yourself.

A good point, I do go gym and people would say I'm doing well in life . But it is just , I can't get over that hurdle of finding something good about myself

Well, you already took the first step. You found the problem, and asked your frens for help. Sometimes you need help from a professional fren, but not always. Your frens believe in you.

I’m sorry fren. No one should make u feel this way. :( Trying to improve yourself, like doing exercise, or even simply cleaning ur room, may help.

Thank you for the good advice fren

Clean your room, BUCKO

I was bullied too fren you're not alone

Get profesionel help fren

Brush those things off. People that are non frens are liars fren.
