my first girlfren broke up with me and now I’m sad. Any advice from older frens?

220  2019-04-21 by Moicut


Plenty of fish in the sea

tenk u fren

you'll have wife someday fren. think about her in the meantime.

alright fren

Suck some dick fren. Girls r icky

yim yum fren

Come here fren I will comfort you

i need hugs fren pls

Just let me nuzzle on you fren gis you a kissy


Is this a nonfren trick?

go with mommy

Bad fren we don’t bop we just keep moving through life being frenly

this is why we get hurt fren

time will help, fren. try to distract yourself a little bit for right now.

ok fren. i will try

Keep some distance from the gorl for a while fren it will get better just give it some time focus on making yourself more awesome.

spend time with real frens (ur homies). best distraction in my opinion

but she is in my fren group and it is v awkward

Don't let it be awkward fren. This is your moment, try to push any thoughts of her out of your mind. She is now no different to the rest of your friend group in your eyes. You are now free to continue the search for your real partner. In twenty years you won't even remember this girls name, keep that in mind whenever one makes you sad. Best of luck fren.

tenk u fren

It will be hard at first fren. Sometimes we caught up devoting so much to one person that we forget to take care of ourselves. View this as an opportunity to be good to yourself fren.

Stay strong.

tenk u so fragging much fren

Talking about it helps, how long were you two together fren

6 months fren, not long but first time

I feel you fren That's actually quite long for a first relationship. I recently went through a rough breakup, what I'd say helps the most is knowing the breakup wasn't your fault

ok fren, tenks, but she said it was basically my fault.

Well what happened

well she is really really clingy, and i am p clingy in return. One day she just got super distant, and she said that she felt no connection when we texted. And that I was too physical( keep in mind ive never done this before so i have nothing to compare it to and she had never told me before) she said said she wanted a break and being the frenly boi i am i said ok can we be frens? and she said yea ig

Well that sounds like her fault You adapted to how she wanted the relationship then changed her mind Midway through

ok fren, it just hurts to see her acting like nothing happened

I know but everything will get better

tenks fren

No problem Fren Feel better and don't get bopped

ok will do fren

Watch this fren you’ll be okay

oki fren

on second thought wtf fren. v strange

recently broke up too fren, trust me after a few weeks you'll feel better, and during that try and avoid thinking about her and the relationship, think about all the flirting and dates you can do now that youre a single ready to mingle! good luck fren


It is easy to lose perspective fren, just remember that everything will be ok. She is NOT the only one that can make you happy, only U can do that.

Tenks fren

Hit the iron temple fren get a membership


It gets better fren remember if your feeling blue that it wont last forever

okok fren tenk u v much

Get super high on dope and forget everything

This is not a good idea fren!

i agree

Every bad and sad thing that happens to you is making you into the best fren of your future wifren fren chin up don't give up we love you fren


Well fren. You’re gonna be sad for a while. You have the right to feel bad. So take your time, don’t feel a rush to stop feeling bad. Just focus on you for a while, it’s gonna suck real bad, but do the things you love doing, and eventually you’ll find yourself over it. Take your time fren.

Tenks fren

No drugs or alcohols fren. Just water and fruit, make me happyer and make me feel good fren. PM me fren if you feel bad still. Love you fren

ok will do fren

Hey man I could really use some advice, but I’m on the mobile website... could you pm me

it gets better fren. It hurts now but you'll look back on the relationship as a cringey and sour thing. You'll find out how young and naive you were about the whole thing and how much you have grown since then.

It gets better fren, don't give up. You do you fren, because you are the bestest fren.

tenk you bestestest fren

You will grow as a person from this fren. Its gonna feel crappy for a while but you will become better from this :)

:) tenk u fren

Oneitis. Look it up. The erroneous thinking that there is only that one female, when in fact they're a dime a dozen.

o wow thank you fren

Good riddance

you deserve better . why don't you just focus on your work ( study , job etc ) ?

i will try fren but i really enjoy procrastinating

Remember it's okay to be sad fren. Enjoy some time outside of a relationship. You'll get better, it just takes time. Good luck, and stay hydrated.

ok fren

Keep going fren

ok i will try fren


I'm a gurl and it's sounds like she's just too young to commit, so don't be hurt it's probably nothing personal, she's just too young and probably does things by the whims of things.

Being clingy shows how much you cared about her, but take it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Not all girls are the same so don't apply the same rules to your next relationship, but learn to see patterns and be weary of them.

The most important thing about being in a relationship is self love, you need to love yourself enough to know that having someone else love you isn't the only validation. People come in all different shapes and sizes and we can't depend on all the different opinions to make us feel better about ourselves, we will never be satisfied!

Loving yourself is the hardest part of any relationship.

Maybe on the clingy part, if that was her only complaint, reflect on why she said it. Were you stopping her from doing some things or making her feel bad for being without you? If not (there may be more than the two Options) then maybe she's just growing and learning about herself and others too.

Sometimes girls want to break up with guys just to prove a point.

Do you think you became too distant that she thought you weren't interested anymore?

All valid questions. Reflect on it and learn but don't try and push things.

And the best advice, only go into relationships with girls who are caring and mature with solid intentions (not just a Fling) ... And make sure you are mature enough too... That will lessen the amount of times your heart might break.

wowza tenk u v much fren, that gives me alot to think about

Anytime Sweetie 🤗

you are a bestest fren

be safe fren, there is hope in the future for every fren in frenworld

tenk u fren

ok fren, it just hurts to see her acting like nothing happened

ok fren