My little brother’s first words were “big sister” Happy day frens!

1135  2019-04-21 by nobodysbusiness77897


Big day for big sister fren!

Thank you fren!

That’s awesome fren! I’m sure he looks up to you


that's great fren! i love family.

That’s great fren!

smh my head I can’t believe some of the neo-Nazi garbage that gets posted on this al-right sub /s

For real though, that’s great news! Teach him well, fren!

I will fren!

That’s great; he must really admire you, fren!

Thanks fren!

hol up big sister is super hard for a newborn to pronounce fren aren’t you sure they said mama before that

He isn’t a newborn he is 7 months and I’ve been saying “big sister” to him allot. My mom isn’t really around a lot

Thanks for stepping up to the plate fren

Greetings fren, I remember you from MDE.

Always good to see mde friends in the wild!

You sound like a great fren :)

Thanks, fren!

Soon hell be saying 🤡clown world🤡 they grow up so fast

Very cool, fren! I hope he becomes a fren too!

How do you make these images fren? Also I’m so happy for you!

Same! Thanks fren

:’) very cute, thanks for sharing fren

No problem fren

It'my birthday today so I'll share in your joy. Have a happy day too fren :)

Thanks fren!

Aw that’s sweet, fren! I hope he grows to be a fren too

I’ll raise him right fren

Thank you fren, very cool!

You must be a great fren to your little brother

Thanks fren, I do everything for him

so cute