Any Sri Lanka frens out there need a hug?

2086  2019-04-21 by ScuffedRomanReigns


I'm not Sri Lankan but I need a hug

I gib hugs to all frenly frens 🤗🤗🤗

>.> here's one hug for you

I'm devastated ,.why can't we just live in peace and unity



Clowns n bombers

Don't blame clowns, they did not do that fren :( *sad honk

Clowns is the catch all phrase fren

I suppose you think you're the clown.

If you do, then you're right.


Clowns have big noses. Cohencidence? I think not

I think you might be onto something french 🤔🤔🤔

remember to love one another. we are in a tug of war fren, time to just step away from the rope

I like this. Sounds like something Jesus would say. Jesus sas definitely a fren




I offer a respectful hug for spicy frens in Sri Lanka. Life shouldn't hurt so much.

Spicy crab frens* in sri lanka

Solidarity with Sri Lankan frens, it will be okay in the end.

Im Sri Lankan fren. I love you fren. Thank you fren for your support and frenship.

Indian fren here. It'll all be okay fren.

What happened in sri lanka, fren?

big boom boom by beardfrens

Wow... on easter of all days... I hope the families of the victims find strength to cope

Don't think a majority of the population on Earth really cares about Easter let alone people trying to get attention, in fact, it's a good idea on their part to ruffle more feathers

The largest religion is Christianity...

A majority of the world is non religious/ unaligned

16% of the world is irreligious. 32% Christian and 23% Islam

Why don't you go be retarded somewhere else fren


They are not frens at all.

Bombing from ISIS (allegedly) clowns fren :(

No terrorist organisation has been confirmed to be a part of the bobbing yet fren

it's always the clowns fren.

Thanks fren :)

I don’t like the beard non frens much.

Its not the bearded frens. Its the bad thinking non fren who hurt all frens

the sand nonfrends are really mean

Sand fren here also not like sand nonfren.

Wan hug?

may i hav hug

I give hug to all good frens!

:) thank you fren

Me too

Okay fren 🤗

thank sand fren

No probmlen fren.

Sri Lanka shut down social media fren. They can’t see this.

Some of us don't live in the country now fren, we can see

Fren VPN exist fren

Fren VPN with offer code Linus at checkout

IPA Linus code good fren.

We actually can, they've shut down Facebook, FB, whatsapp, Instagram etc but good ole reddit is still up

Reddit is not blocked.


Wait why?

Some of us know how to get around the shitty government my fren..

p l e a s e

hopefully we dont have any sri lankans on here. no offense...

Why not? Im a Sri Lankan fren.

are you white

No my fren! I am like caramel my fren.

you sound like you use pol

By pol you mean coconut?

stop being a darkie on my reddit

I could have given you an n word pass if you were nice.


Lmao will you? And how will you go about doing that?

thats what i said. get banned, punk

Are you like Thanos or something?

He been bopped.

Oh no! This non fren is rarted!

imagine uh. not being white

that's really cute fren.

No you are cuter my fren

Angry friend needs hug and love...

This nonfren is an angry nonfren, bop ‘em. We love you Sri Lanka fren. Spread frenship.

Why would you say that? :(


I give hug to all frens. frick clowns

What happened fren?

Boom boom from Bearded man again fren. Sad ☹️

Sri Lankan fren here. :(


they need guns fren, to defend themselves from the nonfrens

we have good guns fren. But we also have bad non fren fat pigs in the parliament.

Mohammad Abdul Aziz al-Hamadi Mohammadson back at it again frens

Those don’t sound like frenly names, fren. I’m scared fren:(

Not all mohamma-fren are bad frens, fren.

But there are non-frens out there, fren stay close to fren and stick together to be happie.

I needs hugs fren😭

I want hugs but I'm not from Sri Lanka. Is that ok?

Can any frens fill me in? I've seen some similar posts but have no idea what's going on

Islamists killed nearly 300 people in churches and hotels yesterday

ISIS non frens have claimed responsibility

:< Sri Lankan here 290 dead and numbers rising. All of us need hugs.

Sri Lankan fren here. Have a hug fren. We will fight this together as one nation fren!

It's my birthday, can I have a hug fren?

Sri Lankan here. Birthday hug for you. We must not forget our hospitality for frens even in these bad times.

A special hug to you too fren, I will use my birthday wish for my Sri Lankan frens

Me..... I need a physical hug but...I'm desperate....

Why not? Im a Sri Lankan fren.

I could have given you an n word pass if you were nice.

Sri Lankan fren here. Have a hug fren. We will fight this together as one nation fren!

Why would you say that? :(