Relaxing after hard day campaigning before elections in my country.

0  2019-04-21 by satanicpriest13


Please send your energy frens. The current ruling party is a right wing conservative that has given us a breathe of fresh air after 80 years. They must stay in power. I have spent my weekend going door to door to encourage frens to vote. We have good relations with all frens in the west. Let's fight together and win together. 2016 was a global victory, 2019 will also be a victory for all frens.

What party fren? What country fren? The honkler isn’t running is he fren?

The BJP. For Hindustan. The honkler is in fact running, and he will sell us out to non frens. My kameraden and I have curbstomped all clowns. Only Hindutva now.

Hmm no good fren. I’ve got some brown shirts spare from my wilderness trips if fren wants them ?

Thank but us white shirts here are very well prepared to bop if need be. Sadly since its a demoncracy, the vote must be in favour. Hence the need for energy.

Okay fren. Make sure you pack Englert bars for the trip fren.

No actual politics. Go to r/politics to push ideas.

I feel like this is unfrenly