I'm sad my gf wants me to pack when I get home. Not good for me frens

38  2019-04-21 by staples16


It’s ok fren, all will be fine soon.

Its ok my fren.. you will find a better one! Dont forget to honk honk on this b*tch.

HONK thots, hug frens.

i think i speak for a lot of when i say its not gonna feel good man but it gets better A LOT better, just know you still got your frens IRL and frenworld, a healthy balance brother.

Hey that's helpful I appreciate it and you fren

Why did u cheat on her or something

No, how unfren to say too =(

Well if u didn’t do anything then she’s a bitch and u should make her move

Well if u didn’t do anything then she’s a bitch and u should make her move