Am new frens plis help. Who are clowns and why are they not fren??

66  2019-04-21 by liefchng


Mait I have same quetsion

Same here frens

Clowns are not frens, and they are not frens cuz they are not frenly

so if clown become frenly can they be clownfrens?

Theres no way a clown can be frenly fren its a myth

The clowns have taken over the media and banks fren. They are ruining our native way of life.

C'mon, fren, can you stop these type of jokes i really don't want to get this sub banned.

Okay fren. If it upsets you I’ll stop fren.

Clowns are inherently non-frens and threaten our way of life

they're talking about jews. these are all nazis. you're talking to nazis. fitting you all talk like babies. pretty decent parallel to the level of your thinking.

honk honk

heil hitler? nazis are the scum of the earth, and you chose this? also, just looked at your comment history. all you do is make baby talk to pictures of gay frogs... what have you done with your life? the fuck is your malfunction? are your parents proud? or is this all hidden? you have a normal life and then go home and make baby talk racist statements to pictures of gay frogs? I am genuinely confused by how fucked up your mentality must be to do this so regularly. Are you 11? Are you an adult? No way to know except most internet nazis are 13-15 mentally an emotionally so I guess it doesn't really matter, but... seriously. You're a mess all the way around no matter how young or stupid you are. Get a fucking life, for real.

HH 🀑🌎

heil hitler? way to go you're a part of the most hated group in the history of man. fucking dirt. you're a disgrace.

Its honk honk, lmfao.

You're a joke.

yeah. i'm super-funny fren. Why does fren get mad when truth come out? Does fren get sad when normal people know fren is a terrible person inside?

Hur dur

wow. nazis are always the pinnacles of intellect. you're hateful because you know, deeply, that you lack something that normal people have.

You're right. I lack some soylent

Alpha_TotallyNotGay_Male... trying to lure kids with baby talk and cartoons into racist fascism means you lack more than soylent.



has to hide behind baby talk to pretend fren isn't deeply damaged? and are you fucking Brazilian? hilarious, your frens would love to know this you sad piece of quasi-nazi wannabe shitstain. This 8 min time limit is killing me. I could type pages about how lame you are...

You got a problem with where i'm from, you piece of shit? Get the fuck out here, no one cares for what you're talking about lmfao... you're cringier than the "baby talk" you babbling about

i do have a problem with nazis. nazis from brazil, like you. or nazis from anywhere else they fucking sprout out like fucking cancer. cringier than baby-talking nazis trying to lure kids in with pictures of cartoon frogs? Are you for real you pedo-nazi?

Ayyyy.. thanks for the laugh mate

no problem, i'll be here all week, dick.

Please, keep me entertained.

-honks sadly-

clowns are frens, don't believe them :(

why i see frens say once a clown always a clown. does not seem very fernly

they don't understand us clowns :(

Are u a frenly clown or a nonfrenly clown

But why would you even consider honking? Its rude :(

Some clowns are just frens in need of a fren. Some clowns just want to watch the world burn and honk at it.

Clowns are nonfren becuz can't stop being silly.

It depends on the clown, but their king spooky fren.

Who is king honkler??

Honkler is simply Honkler. He is nice, yet deceptive. It’s hard to tell his personality.

Clowns are black pilled frens that just want to laugh at the 🀑 🌎 instead of having the big sad

I just want to make you smile fren. Honk honk! 🀑🌎

Theres no way a clown can be frenly fren its a myth

The clowns have taken over the media and banks fren. They are ruining our native way of life.

Clowns are inherently non-frens and threaten our way of life

they're talking about jews. these are all nazis. you're talking to nazis. fitting you all talk like babies. pretty decent parallel to the level of your thinking.

honk honk

HH 🀑🌎

heil hitler? nazis are the scum of the earth, and you chose this? also, just looked at your comment history. all you do is make baby talk to pictures of gay frogs... what have you done with your life? the fuck is your malfunction? are your parents proud? or is this all hidden? you have a normal life and then go home and make baby talk racist statements to pictures of gay frogs? I am genuinely confused by how fucked up your mentality must be to do this so regularly. Are you 11? Are you an adult? No way to know except most internet nazis are 13-15 mentally an emotionally so I guess it doesn't really matter, but... seriously. You're a mess all the way around no matter how young or stupid you are. Get a fucking life, for real.
