The non frens on 4chan don't want to start a crusade with me frens :(

115  2019-04-20 by SabTheOriginal


Sounds like ur on the wrong board fren

Waht bord doo u sujest fren?

Ck2 subreddit

But they always say they are busy with a non fren called Yn Chest :(

Real frena set aside their questionable habits to help a fellow crusader fren

Ok fren I will try.

What is this?

It's the subreddit for one do the greatest grand strategy games every made fren.

/pol/ will welcome you with open arms

Not tru fren. Ther ar a lot of traps and commies on 4chan fren, there arnt any moar tru frens

Then we crusade ourselves

I'll start a crusade with you, fren😀

Thanks fren 🐸

Just need a Pope Pius fren. Let’s make it happen

It’s boogaloo time and all the frens don’t care about removing kebab. Feelsbadman

Real frena set aside their questionable habits to help a fellow crusader fren