She left me today frens, I can't sleep and keep crying I need my frens

142  2019-04-20 by memegodbalalala


Dont worry fren. We are there for you and we love you.

Thanks fren, I love you too

Don't worry, fren, things will get better!

Thanks fren

She didn't deserve you fren, go strive to better yourself. The right one will come along

Thanks fren I'll try

You don't need her fren, you're strong on your own and we love you.

Thanks fren I love you too

Message me if you need to talk to someone or even want some memes to distract u fren

Thanks fren might take you up

She left you because she was no fren.

The only remedy is time.

Honk (:

If you managed to be with one person Mr fren I'm sure you can get with another fren who loves you for who you are!

We will never leave you fren. Hug your pillow and now we’re here for you fren.

Is okay fren. The end of one thing means that now something new and wonderful can start

Yer wun ob my faborite frens, fren

You’ll get through this, fren

Don't worry fren.Keep going strong and you will find someone.

We need these bad times to appreciate the good times fren, sometimes you can only go up my fren.

There are plenty of clowns in the circus fren, just smile and don’t be so serious

Be grateful that you had something to lose, fren. Not everyone can say they have that, fren. Godspeed and good luck, fren

Be grateful you had something to lose

Thank you for this amazing quote, fren

Thanks fren that's a good way of looking at it

fren, life goes on, everything gets better eventually.

You'll find your best fren one day fren but everything that happens to you is making you into the person that will make you into her best fren I always get a lil sad when I think of how bad my best husbfren was hurt by non frens but if he hadn't been I might not have him or he might not be the same best fren in the world for me head up fren and if you need a fren lemmie know :)

There’s always more frens in the sea

She will grow old without love friend, but you will find a truly special girlfren

You can get through this fren. We are here for you

Cry fren is the best way to fight that pain you will be stronger in the future if bad life things happens keep going you surely find other fren in the future to love

Don’t worry fren!!! I just had a broke ups too just focus on your frenshups and don’t forgot to talk to ur frens!

There will be other grilfrens who let you touch their naughty bits, fren! Do not worry or be sad. All part of life fren. Just *HONK* at the sad tiems and they will pass.

i know it's tough rn but time heals all, fren

fren, dont worry now you can focus on becoming the better you. Do things you like , try something new and maybe cry whilst looking at a spectacular sunset because you are worth every single penny.

Godspeed, you beautiful bastard.

its okay fren we are here for you

Hang on in there fren, it will be ok. Love you.

fren we are all here for u and will love and support u. if u need to talk to someone, ur frens are here for u, never forget that

Life happens fren, we are here so do a hëccen large help

Be grateful you had something to lose

Thank you for this amazing quote, fren

Thanks fren that's a good way of looking at it