49  2019-04-19 by Epichawks


The non-frens are waiting for the moment when we let our guard down, fren.

But we must not harm them, we must turn them into frens with our frenliness!

Commencing operation frenless, time to set an ambush for the non-frens.

We will be ready when they come, and we will turn them!

Good luck fren. You're a non fren to them.


No, do not bop! We are all frens here, and we do not bop.

*HONK*s in agreement


“I destroy NPC’s when I make them my frens.” —Abraham Lincoln

Bop. back to clown world, you “non-fren” nonfren

No, we all frens. I do not want to bop you, so you shall not bop me. If we stop the bopping the world will work much better.

No this is fren world not clown world go play fortnight. fren world=apu. Clown world=honkler

You aren't bery frenly, fren :O(

I understand fren, I don’t hate clown frens, but they don’t belong in frenworld. The honk pill go aganst everything frenworld stand for. I don’t want to take Honk pill and be nihilistic honker. There is joy in being a helper fren, not gunna let nonfrens change me fren. I still love you

Honk pill is not nihilism fren, that's the black pill.

It’s nihilistic, it’s just having a different attitude about the impending clown world. its an idea of embracement, playing the role of the clown in the matrix of clown world, just because ur laughing about it doesn’t mean it isn’t nihilistic. I refuse to look at it all as a joke fren, because I don’t believe it’s too late, that I have to give in and be a honker. I don’t except nonfren clownworld bullshit In real world because I don’t think it will last, therefor I remain just a helper fren, and not a clown. It was interesting to speak with a honker tho, take care fren. Maybe someday you won’t feel the need to take the honkpill, and we’ll all just be helper frens again.


Stay frenly, my fren

The clowns made their own world. They want war.


Stay frenly, my fren