What did you do today, frens?

215  2019-04-18 by araccoonwithabiggun


Today me and my friends talked with some girls, maybe life isn't so bad after all.

3D grils? Ewwwww

Weebs are non frens BOP

Don’t fall for it fren, they’re gonna lure you out of the cardboard fort

finally finished witcher 3 fren, got gud endin fren :)

I have also been reading fren, the book is called "Culture of Clowns".


Wage slaved, read, and worked out. Could have been worse, could have been better.

Oof, today I spent the day speaking with my frens on Discord :3

the usual troll around fren.

Slow day on the construction site. Cleaned out our storage container. Hopefully we get an update on how your flying went this weekend.

NoFap again and I won the urges I did pushups squats Bye fren.

But don't you get prostate cancer from that, fren?

No fren it’s only my peeepe is always hard

After a day of work I came home and cuddled with my good ol' cat frens and my rat frens

Spring break at rowing camp. Went out on the water three times

I probably failed my macroeconomics test today, fren. The professor didn’t put any of the study guide questions in the test. Very unfrenly

Avoided hanging myself for another day

Good to hear fren, now go avoid it some more

I got nervous and did a bad presentation in front of my class and my crush frens

I’m sorry to hear that fren. I hope you are ok now. At least you will always have us e-frens to support you!

Thanks fren

Thank you for asking fren! I have spring break today. I played xbox with my very good fren who i have not seen in big time. he gave me big smile :) I also had to work for long hours, which makes me have big tired :/ but thanks to you e-frens I am doin ok.


Played some games on my day off fren! How bout u?

i woke up and ate bacon fr brekfest

I went to a frens house for the first time and we played SMM and some VR games