Need some kind words from online frens to help me through a tough time.

61  2019-04-18 by OptimalVenus


what’s wrong fren?

I don't want to get into too much detail but I'll just say its taking forever for child support to be set up and my family barely has any money. I'm just thankful that I have online frens and a great mom and sisters.

Stay strong fren, and be there for your family. You’ll all make it through it together, no matter how tough it will be

Thank you fren, I'll try. It's been a tough time lately but I just hope my family is going to be okay once this is all over and done with. I love them all so much and honestly, they're probably the main reason I'm still alive.

They will be, remain strong for them and keep up the hard work fren.

I'll try, it's just so hard to look past all the terribleness I've been dealing with for as long as I can remember. When your whole life has been shitty it's hard to hope it'll get better but I've been seeing a little improvement lately and honestly, it's amazing that my family's lives have been improving even if it's only by a little.

You’ll grow past it eventually and see how a hard life makes you a better person in the long run, and I’m sure your family will be proud to see you make it through okay. I know it must be shitty now, but see it through to the end, especially if it’s going up now, you just gotta keep pushing, no matter how bad it gets

I love you fren you are very special

We’re here for you, fren. Rain or shine, day or night, you always have a fren

only those who know what great suffering is can enjoy trve happiness when it finds them. be patient <3

You are stronger than you can imagine and we are all here for you.

Frens stick together fren! We are always here!