I told a non-fren that I wanted frenworld to be just for frens and he called me a "fren supremacist", why are they so mean to us frens?

92  2019-04-17 by nationalitarian


Frenworld should be open to all frens and people who want to be frens. This is safe for frens, people who aren’t respectful of the frens shouldn’t invade and attack us. Don’t listen to the non-frens

how do we make frens out of the non-frens? bringing them into the frenworld doesn't make them frens automatically.

Some nonfrens just need to see the light and the errors in their ways, many nonfrens simply cant become frens and thats ok

Frenworld is not for everyone and we must respect the differences between fren and non fren.

If you limit frenworld to frens only then there won’t be many frens, we need to convince everyone to be frenly so we can all have more frens

I don't know fren, I think we should make more little frenlings instead of trying to convince the non-frens to be frenly.

YES fren

Gee I dunno fren, maybe you should kill yourself and make frens with your dead greatgrand-frens you piece of fucking shit. Eat shit and die faggot.

Don't be homophobic fren

That's pretty unfrenly, yikes! And here I thought the left was supposed to have the "moral high ground" with regards to tolerance...

sigh So much for the tolerant left

Just walk off a cliff or huff an exhaust pipe fren. I can tolerate that.

It's a meme non-fren

I hate all of you and hope you reform yourselves or kill yourselves. That’s not a meme.

You’re getting a little worked up, fren. Have a seat, relax. We’re all frens here.


I don't know fren, I think we should make more little frenlings instead of trying to convince the non-frens to be frenly.

YES fren

Gee I dunno fren, maybe you should kill yourself and make frens with your dead greatgrand-frens you piece of fucking shit. Eat shit and die faggot.

Just walk off a cliff or huff an exhaust pipe fren. I can tolerate that.
