why cant i have an interesting life frens

14  2019-04-17 by shougn


Seek out the adventure fren. I’m sure there’s something out there for you

Fren you are one of a kind nobody sees things like you, thinks like you, laughs like you and that's what makes your life interesting you just don't see it. Just bc you're not doing something that is considered out of this world doesn't mean you're not interesting fren because you are the best and most interesting you there is, strive and push to be what you want fren!

Adventure is out there if you want it fren! Enlist in the military, join the Peace Corps, do seasonal work doing construction in Alaska or as a yacht shiphand in the Caribbean, teach English in Japan/Korea/China, find an NGO operating in South America or India/Nepal... there’s so much stuff out there if you really want it!

Old chinese curse says more or less “may you have an interesting life”. So maybe you are not too unlucky fren

If your life isn't interesting friend maybe take matters into your own hands, drive off into a sunset or two, maybe have some drug experiences, maybe travel a little. Being a little wild makes you appreciate everyday boomer life a lot more.

In my opinion given enough time you start to realize that even adventure and the sense of it is fleeting, but what isn't are truths like love and personal responsibility. Building a legacy for yourself through your home and family become truly rewarding given enough time. And the best part is that along the way you have lots of frens to help you stay on the path!

thank you fren