What are you reading frens?

79  2019-04-17 by CafeCreme69


I don’t read fren! :( I’m too stupid

I'm sure you can do it fren!

And reading has a lot of hidden benefit, it's really worth the effort!

Ok i will give it a try fren! Thanks!

I have to read stupid book for school fren, it's not fun...

You'll be free to read whatever you want soon fren.

School books are boring for a reason.

That's a good book fren

Indeed fren.

I’m reading a book about making frens fren

I hope it's a scientific book fren.

It’s a philosophy and psychology book, thanks for looking out for me fren

„How to win frens and influence pepes“ by Dale Carnegie?

Frens are reading "Culture of Clowns"

I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 frens!

The Promise of the Witch-King, R.A. Salvatore

principles of philosophy by decartes (i believe thats the name)

Based fren

Dividing The Spoils, the struggle for the empire of Alexander the great.

I should read more History books fren.

I recommend Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley

This is the kind of book I was looking for, thanks fren

You are welcome Fren!

Continue riding the tiger my fren, keep holding on

The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq. Its extremely redpilled in how it discusses the fall of traditional sexual moores, family and community, and the rise of degeneracy, hedonism, and atomization. https://imgur.com/a/8VDFhei

I know him fren, I've already read "Submission" and "The possibility of an Island". He published a new book in january, "Serotonin", it's about the death of rural France and the struggle of farmers against globalism.