
12  2019-04-17 by The_Citrus_Man

Are clown frens the enemy or the fren? I have seen some frens hating clown frens and some liking clown frens. Please halp


I do not know fren. I am new here and it confuses me

There is a resurgence of anti-clownism because at this point in time Frenworld has not yet learned how to be multifrenly. Frenworld is not going to be the monofrenly society it once was. Clowns are going to be at the centre of that.

I know this probably sounds like I’m just crazy, but frens and clowns are far-right dogwhistles. Some people on this sub understand that and use them accordingly, and others just like the roleplay and seeming wholesomeness. Clowns represent Jews and gays (I think); they have funny noses, curly hair, and rainbows. Frens hate clowns; they’re the far-right. I’ve noticed every time I look back at this sub though that it gets to be progressively less right-wing and more just roleplaying.

It's an interesting analysis. As far as I can tell, this sub just seems to be people roleplaying as frens. Do you have any evidence of the deeper context of the characters?

Look at the current top post. It’s blatantly about the left.

Edit: another one

They hide it, but it’s there

That was a comment I made a few days ago. I’ve also seen people talk about (((nonfrens))), with the parentheses being a dogwhistle to mean Jews. The meme also started on /pol/. I saw a post earlier today, although I’m not going to look for it right now, about how r/againsthatesubreddits might have a plant here. The longer you look, the easier it is to see it.

How are the parentheses proof that it is referring to jews? Also that post would contradict your original idea that clowns are referring to jews and gays because he is saying they are "frens" while putting ((())) around "they".

The parentheses are a known dogwhistle. That should be easy to look up. I don’t know what you’re talking about with the parentheses, I said they were around “nonfren”.

We frenly here, simple as. Many of us also want frenworld to be a place just for frens, that doesn't mean we hate non-frens, only that we love our frens a lot.

Clown world is the messed up state of the world and clowns are either folks who have accepted some of the dystopian elements and laugh about it or are actively attempting to undermine Occidental society turning it deeper into a dysfunctional circus.

I have no idea what that other dude is talking about. He seems like a non-fren, likely a clown.



Clowns are frens that have been changed by clown world. They are no less frens, they just have a different world view. Should you hate someone for thinking poorly of the current state of the world? The answer to that is up to you.

I think it's up to how you want to interpret it. Just do what feels right.