I have been called stupid today frens :(

2186  2019-04-17 by Giantshark263


the only thing that makes you stupid is that you think you're stupid, fren.

Not stupid

We can bop em together fren

Please no bops here.

Only nonfrens fear the BOP

Indeed, we must not bop each other

I love when frens bop eachother. https://i.imgur.com/4mQdytb.jpg

I don’t think you’re stupid fren

It okay fren, youre not stupid

Gimme a hug and i will give u one back fren

It is okay fren. They are jealous of how happy you are


Did you do something stupid?

Stop pinning stupid comments, stupid.




What does Bop mean



Lurk a bit more new fren and you will understand

What did they say?


Fren no dont bop

Sorry fren



We can not bop each other, only non frens. You should know this man in power.

None of the nonfrens I bopped belonged here.

Ok, don’t go around bopping frens please.

I haven't bopped a single fren.

But you bopped him

I'm going to bop you if you keep acting like a retard.

I sorry


Damn, no chill.

Only insecure people call other people names. Be comfortable and happy with yourself fren!

Couldnt have seid it better, fren

Only insecure people call other people names. Be comfortable and happy with yourself fren!

Its ok to be stupid fren I'm kinda stupid myself.

I'm kinda retarded

-Frenlex Jones

its ok fren im stupid too

It’s their loss, fren

I will hug you until you feel better fren, don't worry

It's okay fren, all love and hugs here

It ok fren i'm a dumbass too

Ur not stupid fren ur a cool guy and ill bop anyone who thinks otherwise

were here for you fren

A single stupid decision does not make one stupid fren. We all make mistakes, so try to forget.

Damn racist non frens, why they gotta go hatin on mah boi!

It’s okay fren, everyone is intelligent in their own way.

You are not stupid fren. Everybody makes mistakes

The only stupid people are people who call other people stupid, fren

And what if you are? You can change it, I believe in you.

u r not stuped

It’s the person who called you stupid who is stupid, fren.



I believe you have been shadowbanned by the nonfren Admins, fren.



It means that every post you make has to be manually approved by a mod.

It also means that your profile can't bee seen by anyone other than you. Try to open it in an incognito window and you'll see.


Admins do it to ban spammers and spambots.

To them nothing changes, they're just getting no traction with their spam posts. Sometimes real people get caught up in IP range bans and just have to contact the Admins to get it fixed.

It's also possible that your account is older and you've been shadowbanned for years since they used to not have a proper banning system and would just shadowban anyone they didn't like.


If you go to /r/reddit.com and send "modmail" it's actually admin mail. Just say "hey, I think I was wrongly shadowbanned" and they should fix it.

Or you could just make a new account.


No, fren. Thank you for being a fren.

Alright i sent it and they replied really fast, unbanning me.I hope you have a good day fren and thank you

ur cool dont care about bullies fren

Nooooo some people don’t get it fren

I just want to say this is the most wholesome and heartwarming subreddit i've ever encountered

I totally agree, this and r/dogelore have been some of my favorite wholesome subreddits (doge lore for the most part) in a long while

It only hurts if it's true; so you shouldn't be hurt fren.

I'm so sorry fren :( it ok

Everybody is stupid since we don't know everything, but at least you're not a jerk, fren

Don't listen to them fren. They're words aren't worth your time

:( fren dont let this ruin your day. Be happy that we dont think yu are stupid

They're clearly wrong, fren, as you are posting to frenworld, the most intellectual sub on reddit!

I got you from 999 upvotes to 1k, itll be alright fren

Stupid is as stupid does

They are insecure about their own intelligence fren. Don't be sad.

ur ztupid

Alright fren where tf are the bullying police when you need them

dont swaer


Be banned and reported for bullying meanie fren >;((((

They were wrong fren! You're a very smart fren.

I know it’s a lie because only smart, nice people have tons of frens like you do.

you’re not fren :)

I’m stupid too, fren

We are all stupid on the inside 😔😔

you’re the smartest fren i ever knew!!!!!

Nu poor fren! :( You're not stupid

We all love you fren

We love you too fellow fren <3

You are smart fren


Next time fren you turn to them and say this: no u this is nuclear level comeback so use sparingly.

Its okay frend they are dumb and mean

They might have been late April fooling you fren

i habe hug for frens

I realized I am loosing my hair at 20. Help me frens


My dad calls me stupid every day!

My dad ain’t here so I can’t relate sadly, he’s still on his 15 year trip to the zoo

It’s ok fren we lov u


Fren dont fret

by a random annoying girll? i think we all have

its ok fren you have very smart fren

I'm kinda retarded

-Frenlex Jones


Lurk a bit more new fren and you will understand


But you bopped him