am sorry for being a clown in my first post frens, didnt know clowns were the enemy :(

91  2019-04-17 by autismoboter


Is ok fren we understand and we accept u into our community

It’s ok. Sometimes a clown is just a fren in need of a fren. Sometimes they aren’t. But you seem frenly.

Clowns can be frens too :(

*sad honk*

Time for bop

It is fine fren

how frens? gay frens r cool frens



This is a subtly far right sub. Clowns are used as a symbol to represent Jews, gays, etc., and frens are people who see that the Jews and gays and whatever else are bad guys.


The fren-right is wholesome.

Bigotry is not wholesome

Frens aren't bigots, they're big guys.

Fight reddit Clownwashing! Fight for frens!

is ok fren