Going to fly this weekend frens!

1063  2019-04-16 by araccoonwithabiggun


Have fun

Where you flying to fren?

Probably in the sky fren

Oh thats where the fluffy clouds are at!

Sorry frens I mis read what he said, I thought you said where he was flying

Its okay my fren. It happens. :)

Thank fren :)

New York

how high will you get fren?

higher than the clouds, fren

Is very fun fren, not as hard as it sounds!

Have fun fren! Careful with the twins !

Clever fren

Bush did nine-elefren

looks like you didn’t pull far forward enough onto the T there fren

Are you gonna be the pilot fren? Can you do a low fly by of my house like top gun?

Hey spud

Yay fren

Me too fren

Have epic fun time fren.:)

Be safe fren! I bet you'll see all of us from upt ther

Always use more right rudder fren

You'll be free as a bird when you fly just like the sky king. May he watch over your flight

Have fun and be safe fren!

Don't bop anybody up there!

I miss Skyking

Good ol Beebo :(

HELLO FELLOW PILOT FREN! Cannot fly this weekend, it’s Easter :( Will fly next weekend!

lots of right rudder fren

don't fall off fren

Are you a white guy though ?

he is green

Careful not to fly into space fren!

Have a good time, fren!

Reach for the sky, fren!

Same Fren!