Frens i lost my cat :(

186  2019-04-16 by derpycke


Fren, cats frequently return. I would not get too concerned just yet. They are independent by nature.

I hope your cat is okay. Not sure if he's 'lost' lost, or passed away but either way I hope you know that your cat loved and still loves you

where did you lose him fren?

He went outside because I was making food for him and he's just a kitten

depending on how long kitten has been with you, it will find its way back easilly. dont try to catch it when you see it, it will feel hunted and hide. just leave your door open if you can.

Fren, i am new, but i feel your pain. That cat will come back, just believe in frenship

Put its sleeping area (like a blanket it sleeps on) outside fren, it can help cats come back

Try banging on his food bowl with a spoon, it always worked for my kitty