Anyone wanna join my band?

136  2019-04-16 by MrSmrtkas


can I play bass?

Sure. You can play whatever you want.

you frenly! can we cover "aint talkin bout love" by van halen?

Can I play the bopos

Can I play the horn? *HONK HONK* I'm berry gud at it , fren

can b bak up honker?

Can I play lead guitar? And what’s the genre?

Can I play rhythm guitar then

Of coarse what genre I think we need to against the current of mainstream pop we need white metal fren.

i hereby declare the foundation of fren metal

Can I be a backup dancer 💃?

Yeah you can. We need fren dancers.

I can sing and scream and honk

Can I play my saxophone fren?

Yes you can! We will be the biggest fren band!

I can do the keyboards

Can I play the piano, fren?

Of course you can. No one is playing the piano yet.

Need a trombone fren?

I can do the sings! May I join fren?

Of course you may. I bet your voice is beautiful fren.

Many thanks fren _^

I play a ukulele fren

can i be singer fren

I can play triangle pretty well