They call me Geralt of Rivia, i slay monsters for gold frens got any of them witcher contracts?

98  2019-04-16 by Take-The-Honk-Pill


are trolls frens, witchyman?

only rock trolls fren

Can I give gold for hug fren?

yes hugs for all

geralt, can you get two items in my home and follow a buncha of red flowing things outside until they lead you to a cave whre you easily kill a monster? can you also do that 172 more times?

Any relation to Geraldo Rivera?

praise geraldo

wow fren u made this? good job u get gold for that

I played like 30 minutes of the witcher 3 yesterday is it a good game frens?

yes the based polish made it

I have a quest for you fren! 1 tendie for every clown you kill!

id like to haggle one tendie and half and ill take the job, ill bring back clownheads as proof

A hard bargin! How does 1 tendie and dipping sauce of your choice sound?

deal and id like sweet and sour plz

Geralt, pls slay a terrible monster that has stolen my children from me. And beware! The beast is a master of sorcery and may attempt to masquerade as my ex-wife, but this is merely an illusion.

this i can do, 454 chicken tendies is my price