Mission failed frens, tried to become friends with crush but we became best friends instead so now telling her would be weird

36  2019-04-16 by skg07


Tell her, you never know fren, the worst she can say is no

And if she does they can still be awkward frens which is what they have now, so he has nothing to lose but everything to gain.

No. Stop right there, fren. You have to be willing to be a man and put your balls on the table. If you want this girl and can't settle for friends stand up and tell her how you feel. Stand out from all the other beta orbiters she has. Take a risk, be a man, be bold. Faint hearts never won QT gf, fren.

Go for it. If you don't you will regret it for the rest of your life. You have value, stop thinking you would be lucky just to be in her presence. You're the catch, not her. Go for it, fren. Go for it! I believe in you.

i actually needed this too, fren. This post approached me at the correct time.

I made best fren with my crush, I told her and she rejected me, then we became close and did start dating, you can do it fren -a fren

Did you lose weight/change style/get a new job/car or anything like that in between?

No were just very socially awkward and i don think i changed

I send u hug fren, socially awkward frens are best frens

I guess you could say you're in the fren zone

No, fren. It’s still possible. I’m a gril who fren-zoned a guy, but what happened was he was soo nice and started to send me such sweet and supportive and complimentary texts and slowly worked in lots of emojis like 😍🤗😘☺️ as our frenship grew. After a month or two of the compliments and emojis, i picked up on the fact he liked me, and ultimately I fell for him, even though I didn’t see him that way at first. Then one day he asked to me coffee and paid for me and I realized it was a date. We dated for some time. Don’t believe in the “fren-zone”. Similar thing happened with my sister and her first boyfren as well—they were BFFs for a year until one day he got the guts to kiss her.

Mission in progress, fren

most women don't want a straight male best fren, if she doesn't think you're a frennot then you have a chance

You need to start networking. Ask her if she knows any single friends and branch out from there.

Whip out the benis, fren. That'll win her over for sure.

Lots of Frens in Jail

communicate clearly fren. frends and wamen frends cannot read minds. you can do it fren

i believe in you fren, just tell her