Nonfrens burned down my home frens. Can this be my new home?

2338  2019-04-15 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Yes we will always except new frens you are safe here

accept fren

Thanks for pointing it out fren

A nation of immigrants. Green, hardworking immigrants.

Legal too lmao

They can invade and utterly transform our sub into something hideous. BUT THEY HAVE TO DO IT LEGALLY.

They can come in, not assimilate, not get a job or give back to the economy, and change the voter demographics so that future elections are in their favour, but they must do it legally.

Frens would never do that

unless r clown non fren

Cept clown frens

Sure fren!

Apu quasistaja

Torille, mutta ei Ranskaan


You can stay with me, fren.

Of course fren. Im happy for new frens

of course fren welcome home :)

I'm sure you can find many frens at /r/brainlet, too!

Hope you get a shower and wash the smoke off of you, fren. Be safe, wherever you are, ya lil green croquette.

Hubba hubba fren

This is hilarious.

Bonjour fren!

The world is cruel The world is wicked It's I alone whom you can trust in this whole city I am your only fren

The world is a vampire

You’re my defender

This place is home to all frens, of course you can live here

you are accepted, our fren

The hunchback of frentre dame.

Or notre fren (our fren)

we're more than happy to accept a new fren here
it's too bad how drastic the changes made by those tanned french redectorators were, i'm sorry fren

That's nice Frenoshop work, fren

And your gubmin let it burn. They want you to be homeless. You're safe here, and tell all the yellow jacket frens as well.

i hope this angers our yellow vest frens to be crazier then ever

I was secretly happy as I saw the live stream. Symbolised the state of France. Clown world will wake up the yellow vests and other revolutionaries.

Too soon, fren.


All fren is welcome

sorry that saracens made fun of your bad day fren.

I am a fren-ch

bheh. sometimes a simple pun can make even a stupid night of sleep a little better

Yes my fren

You can fren, but first we need to remove all the nonfrens

Frens are always welcomed here

You're welcome to stay as much ass you want fren

Thought it was a mounted head trophy for a second. Tromafrens are feens like everyone else!

My doors are open to you, my dear fren

You have sanctuary here, fren.

Don’t worry fren it hasn’t burned down yet

Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

in this clown world, it's good to have frens like you


Who did this art, lol

all frens welcom

notre fren

They can invade and utterly transform our sub into something hideous. BUT THEY HAVE TO DO IT LEGALLY.