Lost in haunted forest, frens. Help.

54  2019-04-15 by Amplitude


Fren, don’t turn around!

How can I escape...!?

Repeat after me fren. 3, 2, 1 ... 1, 2, 3, what the heck is bothering me!

Look out behind you fren!!!

Oh no fren, don't be scared fren. But there is a clown behind you, he might be a non-fren clown.

Haunted by the worst thing ever... 😱

Honk honk

Stay there fren I’ve contacted the fren police who will take care of that clown.

THank u, it's lonely here in the forest. Spooky sounds and I am trying to keep my eyes closed.

Climb a tree you’ll be safe there til daytime fern

Thank u, I like it!

Don’t eat the purple berries if so I can call a frensician

You are kind, it's true, I ate my grabnola bar hours ago....

Oh no :,( don’t drink your own peepee