I just joined and everybody wants to bop poeple thats not frenly

65  2019-04-15 by original_name1947


too many frogs in the pool

Cheer up fren we only boppin the baddies

We do light and swift bop fren, it does not hurt

Some people can only be made to understand by being bopped.

Frenly frens sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough frens stand ready to do bopping on their behalf.

Only non-frens!

Fren I'm not sure if you belong, we want a safe bright future for many generations of fren to come, clockfrens and nosefrens make that goal impossible.

Ok so clockfren and nosefrens bad

Settle down, only nonfrens get bopped.

Also if you just joined maybe take a moment to learn our ways and culture before putting your two-cents in on how we do things.