gonna do it frens

169  2019-04-14 by seelic


Don't do it fren

Fren did not do it, latest post on reddit was a comment 4 hours ago

noo fren please we need you here..

No fren, don do it

We love you, fren

Don’t do it fren. Tough times do NOT last forever fren, even in the darkest hour when it seems all hope is lost. If you want to talk I am here fren

Theres more to live for fren

Don't do it fren. Life's hard, I fail at everything, but I always have a fren in Jesus. Make him your fren and hold on til frenworld.

is Jesus really your fren?

He's the eternal fren to all, and the greatest fren that ever existed or ever will exist. Do you want to here about some books about him (other than the Bible)?

Yup, definitely is. Life sucks, if I give up though it's over for ever. If I stick it out here for a while and talk to Jesus when times get tough, eventually I can go live forever in peace and none of this will matter anymore.

Actually I can go live in a way better world with no nonfrens :)

You won’t be able to make it to Frenworld if you do it, Fren!

dont do it fren

Dont do it fren

No fren, don’t do it! It’s a permanent solution to temporary problems.

We still need you here, fren!

This sub realizes that the best advice any of us could give is to confront our problems head-on and resolve them, right? It's really the unrealistic anticipation of doing so that makes it seem impossible, ergo the depression.

That said, don't do it, fren. You don't want the world talking about you, unable to correct anything that gets said, right? Or worse, perhaps, having to forget you. That's a particularly cruel thing to ask of the people who love you... to choose between somehow living with the memory, or forgetting if only to survive. My Pops used to tell me it was cowardly. I don't think it's the BEST advice, but it does speak to a certain reality, namely that we can always try a bit harder to untie the knot. If we ask ourselves, we probably haven't exhausted all the possibilities or considered all the factors.

THAT said, this sub exhibits some of the worst gun safety on reddit.

sorry frens I'm drunk

Suicidal thoughts while drunk? Be careful fren and don't do it.

It's alright fren.

I know how it can be.

Do you think the clown juice might be causing these feelings?

cool Fallout 3 sniper fren, it had its flaws but it was a fun weapon.

please don't, we love you fren

Fren, you've got lots to live for. Just think of not being able to talk to your frens. We want you here fren.

Please don't, fren

Can i come with you fren?

Sure, Fren, I would adore the company of a Fren

You have so many frens who love and support you. You are not alone.

I am

Things seem bad for you right now fren, I've been there. I still have the bad feels some days and think about ways to end it. But fren please you have to remember the only thing in life that is permanent is death. You will feel better. Try and stay away from the clown juice, it's not your fren.

Du not do it fren! Do not evn thonk about doin it! Do not even thunk about not doing it!


Du not do it fren! Do not evn thonk about doin it! Do not even thunk about not doing it!

  • screams whilst slapping helmet with shovel *

Turn that rifle around and bop the nonfrens instead

that would require taking the honk pill.. but probably worth doing instead of just bopping urself

Having been there myself, I can assure you that it gets brighter with time. The sorrows of the past don't seem as heavy, and the present time feels less troubled. Life is highs and lows, often times it feels like just one long low, though. At those times it's the hardest, you just need to be a stubborn bastard and press ever onwards. You can do it fren. Please keep being our fren. Please.

Op fren hasn't responded in 3 hrs. I'm spooked frens

Hi spooked, I'm Mom.

Hi Mom, I'm dad

Hi dad, I’m fren

Hi fren, I'm bes fren

it's alright fren, I'm back

hugs fren it'll be ok buddy

We love you fren

I love you frens too

Good luck fren! If at first you don't succeed try again tomorrow.

I failed everything since, fren, no other option left but doing it, fren

plz dont bop urself without honking like a mad honkler and bopping some nonfrens first

Looks like you could use a honkpill or three, fren. Sometimes its okay to take the honkpill.
honk honk n bop some ALLAHUnonfrens with that fancy bopper u got there, long before u bop urself..

Du not do it fren! Do not evn thonk about doin it! Do not even thunk about not doing it!

  • screams whilst slapping helmet with shovel *

is Jesus really your fren?