why cant nonfrens understand us?

82  2019-04-14 by fresh-kitty

we're quite possibly the most wholesome place on the site and these stupid fucking soy addicted neckbeards in denial fucking think we're bigots. theres no correlation! i'm sad frens. what if we get banned? :(


It's even more worse that those soy neck beards are turning us against our clown frens who only want us to laugh.

yeah we've got to resist. with every anti-clownposting we make we're giving in to sjws

Honk honk

Well time to start cracking out the npc pretending to be a fren meme...

our clown frens

Say what now, fren?

Clowns are biggots, not frens

Frens are their new target


They always hated frens for who we are, sad, but true :(

Truth we all know but can't speak is they are the racial supremacists intent on our extinction. Hypocrisy is off the charts with them.

(((nonfren))) of ALLAHUnonfren is fren, fren..
plz no bop on fren

sincerely, bopjemin netanhonkyou

we r just being nice and these soyboys hate us frens :(

i dont understand either fren

cognitive dissonance