Why they gotta lie about us

281  2019-04-13 by PleasantHuman


They're just projecting their nonfrenly thought upon our harmless little subreddit and create an alternate version of it in their tiny nonfren heads.

eye of the beholder amirite fren?

This calls for a self defense bop

We have a strong frenship and it makes non-frens jealous

suck on my plausible deniability r/AgainstHateSubreddits

They against r/dankmemes too, our (I think) frens.

I mean

What is happening here?

someone asked what this sub was about and why it was being called a hate sub, this was the most upvoted comment.

How is it not a hate sub? I see so many comments and post referring to “big noses” and shit

Big noses. I've never felt so offended in my life.

That’s not my point at all

The clowns are oppressed?


Clown rights!

What the heck are you on about nonfren?

Are you doing ok?

The clown cries out in pain as he strikes you

are you insinuating that clowns are jews?

No but many comments I’ve seen here have. Not that the bad apple speaks for the whole bunch but you’re blind or mentally incapable if you can’t see through the line on some posts. I’ve been a part of this sub since under 1k subs (way before the clown shit came) and back then it was all about fren/apuapujasta/frog memes or whatever I wanna call them. I’m sick of the clown shit and want my goofy frog sub back and am also tired of seeing politically/racially charged shit from either side of the spectrum. I’m really just here for the frogs doing cute and funny shit but the longer I stay here the more I feel I’m in the minority

honker in disguise.

I knew I’d get this response :(

You've been here since before 1k subs and have just now noticed the 'political subtext?' Honk honk I guess.

No I just noticed recently it’s been when more prevalent. Believe it or not there was a time before the clowns

there was a time before the clowns I'm sorry you don't understand fren

I’m talking about the literal images of clowns being posted...no metaphors here

I’m sick of the clown shi

Me too fren. Me too... just... probably not in the same way you are.

want my goofy frog sub back

We can all dream of some time in the future where we no longer have to honk our feelings away.

He doesn't know kek

Don't tell him frens

Link to the post?

Frens being frenly.

Frens being frenly.

Frens being frenly.

No, the clowns are the literal clowns.

yeah literally anyone who has been here would know that we're talking about the literal clowns that get posted here but r/AHS sees anyrhing that's not posting stuff about social justice and "ACAB" as Nazis

While I love this sub and I think anyone trying to have a social justice campaign against it is a twat, the clown shit does border on anti-antisemitism and bigotry I mean cmon. That said it's stupid ass memes and I doubt the posters of the clown memes even take it serious. The AHS crowd are the people directing all the bigots here because surprise surprise, this sub was relatively low population until their dumb shit started blowing up.

I didn't mean to imply that we all aren't antisemitic bigots. For the most part, we are. But frenworld is a place for niceposting.

Wait... what

oh jeez

adios y’all

Your reading to far in between the lines fren

the clown shit does border on anti-antisemitism and bigotry

Hey, if that's who you see as responsible for clownworld, you're welcome to your opinion. Perhaps you should be more mad at the nonfrens causing it than the frens pointing it out.

What's wrong with that video?

This sub has no undertones like that. Project more non-fren.

Frens are frenly .... bottom line. nonfrens are not frenly and deserve the bop

Typical nonfren.

They don't gotta do my frens over at frenworld like that

We did nothing wrong

God if they only knew it was like a vat of estrogen up in here...

For real most posts on here are asking for help and empathy dealing with the clown world that is taking over. If they think this is a bastion of hate and seething ultraviolent white masculine rage they have truly honked the retarded horn.

all frens are welcome i am welcome and I am a double minority I feel save with my frens

i’m mixed and bi frens, i want everyone to be a fren on here

I’m a trisexual cyborg and I’m gonna say the fren word

I am transformer i love fren world

I love you too fren you should transformer into an Audi, frenly engineering

/unfren god that's fucking stupid. how can anyone legitimately be this retarded?

clown spotted, honk Honk 🤡

Imagine being this fucking mentally ill

Tell me it isn’t so, fellow frens... I thought this was a peaceful sub!

This subreddit is peaceful and tolerant, just like Islam


This is a sub of peace fren :)

Nonfrens are taking our stuff out of context, you need to understand the original fren language and read fren scriptures to understand the philosophical frenly meaning behind fren posts.

They hate us cuz they ain't us, fren

Oh no no no, he didn't understand who the clowns really are. Btw we are just frens.

Bop that nonfren.

It wasn't always like this frens. The clowns made us like this :(

To be honest. It seems a bit of a stretch going that far. Coming from other subreddits you are the best frens we have here.

This is the most wholesome sub on the fucking planet. It’s like when English teachers try and place a meaning on a red door

Non-frens at it again. Sigh

We just stay frens :)

imagine being this delusional

The clowns are oppressed?

I am transformer i love fren world

I love you too fren you should transformer into an Audi, frenly engineering

I’m talking about the literal images of clowns being posted...no metaphors here

This subreddit is peaceful and tolerant, just like Islam

This is a sub of peace fren :)

Nonfrens are taking our stuff out of context, you need to understand the original fren language and read fren scriptures to understand the philosophical frenly meaning behind fren posts.