Fren havin bed day. What makes you frens happy?

79  2019-04-13 by Assblaster67


14 words make me happy fren

real frens are frens to everyone (except clownfrens)

this fren like drawing, music, food and frens

Fren, become involved with some kind of physical activity. Competitive is good, team based is best.

If you have no prior knowledge of sports I would recommend wait lifting.

thx fren am very skinny boi

Fren, I suggest making a list of small enjoyable things you can do both inside your house and outside for when times get tough. Then when you have a bad day, look at the list and pick one. Could be to cook something, walk the dog, take a hot shower, see a new movie. Keep them simple because it’s hard to be motivated when you are down. The bad feelings will pass, fren. But a little distraction will get you there sooner.

Good advice

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told if you wanna cheer up

Ah yes i Love fictional stories

Waste of time read Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Jüri Lina it’s a lot like Harry Potter and even Beauty and the Beast

I like to talk to frens and play vidya when I’m sad. Hope it gets beter my fren. The frens are always hear for you <3

To bop your enemies, to see them HONKed before you, and hear the lamentations of their shitposts

hey fren! i recommend a hug from someone you love and trust! could be a family member or a friend or a significant other

My cozy bed and my pillow gf

Clearin mein head and slepin for more than 12 hours fren

What makes me happy is that my program of self-improvement is working.

It's slow, there are setbacks, but there's progress.

Never give up hope.

*Frendrich Nietzsche

I’m having a bad day too fren, but fresh air and doing something productive like cleaning helped me feel a little better

This fren loves getting home from a long day of school and work without homework. And watching movies.