Frens I got caught doing a bad and I've never been in trouble. Me and girlfren are going to the school for bad frens but I'm a good fren. I can't do it anymore. How do u keep going for her. I'll explain in comments if anyone asks

13  2019-04-12 by Piersontheraven


I don't wanna even hear your problem fren. I give you a very frenly advice.

You can't control what happens in your life, things just happen. It's how you approach these things in life that really matter. Always fight, never give up, stay positive and life will be better.

Stay strong fren.

Fren this sounds really difficult and having overwhelming feelings rn is totally normal. It will get better and you have the strength to continue and get through the bad times.

Stop typing like a retard. This sub has gone to shit

I just joined man I don't know what it used to be like

He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about fren, hey is nonfren in disguise. Everything is temporary, the big sad will pass and you will have a great time with many frens. You just have to hang around here until that happens.

Thank u fren

If you are Alive, then there is Hope.

If you are Dead, your Story ends. Forever.

While you're Alive, you ALWAYS have a chance for Happiness.

Stay Alive. Endure. Be Strong and be Happy.

What happened fren?