Depsite Clownfrens only making up 13% of the population, they are responsible for 100% of Honkings...

1711  2019-04-12 by NEW_JERSEY_PATRIOT


u got the clown non frens wrongs , clown = big nose non fren ;)

Shut it, they still are frens, but just a different kind. Like race. There are different races, but still human. Clowns are frens, but many don't like.

Clowns are nonfrens. They bop frens.

clowns practice a peaceful relegion of love and peace! how dare you.

They are mean to frens, they are nonfrens. They belong in clownworld not frenworld

When just 13% make up 52% of unfrenliness its time to start asking if they really are frens. (Theyre not)

Clown β€œfren” kick my shin today, not very frenly..........

It's logical but I'm feeling uncomfortable, fren πŸ˜’

Clowns are frens, take the honkpill fren you'll see by yourself

Dos some good math fren

we should bop them faster so that we can be frenly agen


why they throw frenli-links fren in van?

Clowns dindu nuffin fren!

dey need mo money for dem honks

das right!


das right!

Nonclowns jus be raysis!

it nut raycist eits facs fren

Some frens just don't understan...

mastear race fren

mastear race sunds rycist : /

dont worry fren fren race is the only race clown race not fren

StrangeStatistics was banned today. :(

Strange_Statistics is the replacement sub fren.

Thank u fren.

now that one's banned too, seriously though why? I never went to either

It's down. As is HBDstats

Literally why? What could possibly be their reasoning


Don't worry fren, you can't deny science or biology. :)



I won't allow this disguisefren propaganda in here. Honkers aren't frens. They never will be >:(

Please check your bias honkulations fren

Thins is honked up

I think you're right but you're making me really uncomfortable fren πŸ˜’

We better get rid of them darn clownfrens honk excuse me I've been sneezing a lot since I have a cold. Nothing out of order here

You forgot the joker makeup fren




Your glasses are smudged fren, you should clean then

Hey fren, that's me

hi new frens I'm new. why do we bop the clownfrens?

Huh, I thought they banned r/strangestatistics


fuckin honkies


Wow. Just. Wow.
