Look what you frens did. You made a little honkling cry, please stop being unfrenly

376  2019-04-12 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Uphonks for the sad fren :(

It is what he deserves they have overtaken the true fren

I have a dream that frogfrens and clownfrens can live in peace

No such thing as a clownfren.

Clown frens are not frens fren ;(

We can live in peace when they either assimilate or return to their native lands. Frens, being naturally kind, have given them every opportunity. Now we must drive the filthy Honkkers by force.

clowntown has to keep secure borders and only allow clowns inside because of the historical hatred of clowns. Why won't you accept the cultural enrichment of clowns in the frenozone? clown food is so good.

A picture of a sad honking? I guess that means we have to tear up the constitution and get rid of borders.

Just wait until a dead honkling washes up on your beach. Then it's time to just prepare your wives and daughters for a ganghonking.

Of course there’s a dead honkling on my beach, I put him there

The Honklits can work in the mines so they may be of use.

bop bop

Stop bopping fren!

Username checks out

Downvotes own post

Oh nuu, what have we done :c

Are clowns the nose-nonfrens?

No, but you should still be wary of them

It's the same trick as the flower! Don't be fooled frens!

That’s what bopping is for

BOP! We dont need little crownfrens growing up becoming clownfrens

No poor honkling! :(

He drop his ice cream someone pick it up for him :(

reee off a cliff, clown

Dont listen frens! These are lies made up by the clownfren media!

The honkling cries out in pain as it strikes you

Sorry :(

Son, you might not understand all this. But yer daddy had to be bopped and you’ll have to be bopped too because though you are young and dumb-witted, one day you’ll be strong and come for revenge.

Hop in my helicopter little Fren. Free ride will turn that frown upside down.

Hey they started it.

I’m sorry fren

If he can cry it means he needs more bops.

throw that nonfren in a trash compactor.

uber alles

This is why we need to stop anticlownism. imagine all those lil clown babies, honking their noses for the first time.

Don't be sad my fellow clownfren.

I'll help you





he was born evil

No, but you should still be wary of them

Stop bopping fren!