Rise up with Razor TM

230  2019-04-12 by boomoopoo


Adam Ruins Everything is our biggest enemy

This but unironically fren.
I want to bop that idoit

Have you seen the one about gun control? I hate how the woman is conspicuously and unnecessary a lesbian

I have man. The conclusion is maybe twice as retarded. Who ends it on “there’s no answer lol”?
The whole show is unnecessary and blatant propaganda.

Hi I’m Adam and this is Adam ruins everything!



He really does, fren. He really does.

Fren why is the Nintendo switch down there?

Stop noticing things!

Fren why gorilla?

Fren why israel?

Fren it has always been Israel....

You ever take it off any sweet jumps, fren?

yo FUCK JavaScript

Take the PHPill

Why hate the switch! It's Travis's home!

Is this the future the clownfrens want??

Woah is that dogpill?

Have you seen the one about gun control? I hate how the woman is conspicuously and unnecessary a lesbian

Fren why gorilla?

Fren why israel?