377 2019-04-12 by NEW_JERSEY_PATRIOT
1 treebeard____2 2019-04-12
What kind of pills?
Idk fren the clownfrens gave them to me. They were a bunch of bluepills. Am I gonna be ok fren?
1 YoungGuru___2 2019-04-12
Did it make your pp bigger?
1 majtommm 2019-04-12
If the clowns gave it to him his pp won be bigger but his butthole certainly will be when he wakes up.
1 BUG-IN-RECOVERY 2019-04-12
Fren, go to the bathroom and puke
1 cigbhungus245 2019-04-12
Did you get them Dr. Goldberg?
1 ScuffedRomanReigns 2019-04-12
the honkpill?
1 memeacc2345 2019-04-12
Fren please be safe and use them responsibly! Too many at once could make you really sick or even die
1 Seargn 2019-04-12
What do u see fren?
1 Blogginginvicecity 2019-04-12
Beware, fren. The honk that gives ye the colors you never had preceeds the honk that takes away the colors you always had.
1 Mantilla_Root 2019-04-12
Woah fren
1 DJAshian 2019-04-12
To show Avicii I'm his fren, and when I finally got sober felt 10 years old but honk it it was somethin' to do!
1 treebeard____2 2019-04-12
What kind of pills?
Idk fren the clownfrens gave them to me. They were a bunch of bluepills. Am I gonna be ok fren?
1 YoungGuru___2 2019-04-12
Did it make your pp bigger?
1 majtommm 2019-04-12
If the clowns gave it to him his pp won be bigger but his butthole certainly will be when he wakes up.
1 BUG-IN-RECOVERY 2019-04-12
Fren, go to the bathroom and puke
1 cigbhungus245 2019-04-12
Did you get them Dr. Goldberg?
1 ScuffedRomanReigns 2019-04-12
the honkpill?
1 memeacc2345 2019-04-12
Fren please be safe and use them responsibly! Too many at once could make you really sick or even die
1 Seargn 2019-04-12
What do u see fren?
1 Blogginginvicecity 2019-04-12
Beware, fren. The honk that gives ye the colors you never had preceeds the honk that takes away the colors you always had.
1 Mantilla_Root 2019-04-12
Woah fren
1 DJAshian 2019-04-12
To show Avicii I'm his fren, and when I finally got sober felt 10 years old but honk it it was somethin' to do!