I took some pills frens!

377  2019-04-12 by NEW_JERSEY_PATRIOT


What kind of pills?

Idk fren the clownfrens gave them to me. They were a bunch of bluepills. Am I gonna be ok fren?

Did it make your pp bigger?

If the clowns gave it to him his pp won be bigger but his butthole certainly will be when he wakes up.

Fren, go to the bathroom and puke

Did you get them Dr. Goldberg?

the honkpill?

Fren please be safe and use them responsibly! Too many at once could make you really sick or even die

What do u see fren?

Beware, fren. The honk that gives ye the colors you never had preceeds the honk that takes away the colors you always had.

Woah fren

To show Avicii I'm his fren, and when I finally got sober felt 10 years old but honk it it was somethin' to do!