The Frensident and his cabinet MUST do something about the clown invasion.

16  2019-04-11 by Imperial_Account

Recently, a clownpost was pinned by one of the officials of our frenostate. This is unacceptable. The eternal fren culture and ethnicity must be preserved. It is one thing to accept newfrens into our frenostate, it is another to be replaced by them. Let me be clear: the clowns are not our frens. They are nonfrens, and they already have their own nonfrenostate--/r/Clown__World. There is no reason why we must put up with them and their heinous deeds here. An essential part of frenship is unrelenting optimism and support. The clowns are nihilists and doomers, totally culturally incompatible with the values of /r/frenworld.


Stop the violence! Clowns just want to have peace with frenworld



Hear me Frens! I call not for war with the nation of /r/Clown__World, indeed, I call for the only possible route to peace! I want only for the Clowns to live in the Clown__World, and for the Frens to live in the Frenworld! This is the only step we can take to end the violence! Or else, by forcing Frens and Clowns together, tragedies like the Clownhouse shooting last month will only repeat.




Exactly it's time this clown posting gets a huge reduction. This is FRENWORLD created FOR FRENS not CLOWNS.