Wait frens! My research shows the Clownfrens have been kicked out of over 100 other subs. Maybe we shouldn't be so eager to let them in?

139  2019-04-11 by Fred_Dickler


People are reading "Culture of Honks"

You’re research is funded by no fren organizations! Honkers are a peaceful races


let's use the clowns as our men of action whilst we claim plausible deniability.

Honk Honk

There is a resurgence of anti-clownism because at this point in time Frenworld has not yet learned how to be multifrenly. Frenworld is not going to be the monofrenly society it once was. Clowns are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Frenworld to make. They are now going into a multifrenly mode and clowns will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Frenworld will not survive.

username checks out


Talk of a non fren. We will eradicate these pests starting with the clowns. FREN WORLD FOR FRENS AND CLOWN WORLD FOR CLOWNS. WE WILL BE A REFUGE FOR THESE ANIMALS.

Make /r/frenworld The 110th

Why cant thr clown friends assimilate?

Assimilation is a lie, besides, this is a frenostate for frens only. Clowns are not frens.


Gee, I wonder who’s behind this post
