I don't think my girlfriend loves me anymore frens

211  2019-04-11 by Piersontheraven


put 'er in the frenzone

Your frens here love you, you can get through this. You can do it fren

F for Fren







We love you, fren, bop others nonfrens!

don’t worry you have us frens <3

Girlfriend has an end, fren has no end

Wait a second there buster-fren

Why do you feel like that fren? Is it anxiety or something else?

She don't tell me things anymore and backed out of a kiss earlier

Give her the ol’ cold shoulder right back

Or maybe not I really don’t know

I broke up with my gf a year ago and have just been fucking clown thots at college.

I wouldn’t recommend this tho, they are insufferable beings and one of them vomited in my dorm shower.

Maybe shes just in a bad mood? Stressed out? Give it some time frien, try talking to her, it will work out

Thank fren

I agree. Maybe she’s going through a rough time too fren. Try and help her and talk to her about your feelings.

Yeah that’s ok dude lol, don’t over react, obviously you know her best so go with your gut, but just make sure to let her know that you’re there if she ever wants to vent, also, have you ever just needed to be left alone? She might feel that way right now, it’s totally ok, the key to a good relationship is good communication and a good mutual respect for eachother, good luck buddy, and goodsped fren

You are worth more than she'll ever be fren.

If there was ever something there fren, it is worth fighting for. The key to every relationship, regardless of whether it’s a girlfriend or roommate is communication. Sit down and talk with her, fren. Let her know that you are concerned about how things are going and make sure you actually listen. I wish you the best fren. We will be here regardless of outcome.

Even if she do. Even if she don’t. There are more to life than girlfren

It’s alright fren. You’ll find someone eventually

There's plenty of fish in the sea fren

Fuck her mom

I'm sorry about that fren. I would recommend starting a conversation with her about it. Communication is key. I hope everything works out for you in the end!

were here for u fren ❤
